Four Tips to Consider When Buying A House

If you are in the market for a house, being prepared is key. There are several things to do before you even begin your search. Here are four steps to consider when buying a house.

Fraud Prevention Series: How to Identify Scams

Scammers and internet fraudsters continue to grow more and more clever in their attempts to trick you into giving them money or personal financial information. Plus, they now have an expanding number of ways to contact you. No longer focusing on just email, they can try to scam you through text messages, phone calls, pop-up windows, and even social media interactions. But rest assured, there are a number of ways to spot an attempted con and avoid falling into its trap. Be on the lookout for the following tell-tale signs of a scam.

Become a Member Tester for The Lab at MSUFCU

The Lab at MSUFCU was established in 2020 as a center for innovation, bringing agility, collaboration, and innovation together to turn ideas into advanced financial technologies.