Why Financial Wellness Matters

May 12, 2022

No matter where you are in life, whether newly graduated, buying your first house, or getting closer to retirement, it is important to be knowledgeable about personal finances. When you understand the basics, you set yourself up for success and build a healthy financial future. Here are three strategies to help you be successful with your personal finances.
Financial stress can affect almost every area of your life, including your work life. According to one study from stress.org, 550 million days are lost to stress each year. You can get started on your financial wellness journey with these three strategies.
Adapt good financial habits 
One financial habit you should start right away is to establish a budget. This will not only help you to see where your money is being spent, it can help you become a better saver and develop spending habits that serve you in the long term. 
Next, set aside money each month to meet both short- and long-term goals. These could include a down payment toward a home purchase, a vacation to Europe, or retirement. 
Another important savings tip is to create an emergency fund. This can help you pay for unplanned expenses like car repairs or medical bills. To make saving easier, set up regular transfers to various savings accounts and watch your money grow.
Manage your debt
Debt can be overwhelming, and only making the minimum payments each month on credit cards extends how long it takes to pay off high-interest debt. You first need to take an honest look at your debt, and then create a plan to strategically pay it off. 
To keep from adding to your debt, change any habits not beneficial to your financial health. This may include buying items you cannot afford to pay for in cash, living beyond your income, and charging more to credit cards already paid off.
Get help 
There are many resources available to help you set up a plan to save for your goals, pay off your debt, and more. Talking with a representative from your financial institution is a good place to start. 
There are also reputable financial counseling services with certified counselors who can meet with you and help you create a plan to meet your goals. Whether it’s overwhelming credit card debt, student loan balances, or issues with keeping up with housing costs, the path is easier when you work with a trusted resource. 
GreenPath Financial Wellness is a trusted national nonprofit with more than 60 years of helping people build financial health and resiliency. Its certified counselors give you options to manage credit card debt, student loans, and homeownership. Visit greenpath.com for more information. 

Tags: Money Management, Budgeting, Savings