OUCU Alert
Applicable 2024 tax forms are now available in ComputerLine and the Mobile app.
Open Your Wallet
Routing Number: 272479663
Swift Code: MSUCUS44
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Why is MSUFCU opening branches in Chicago?
We currently have 2,500 existing MSUFCU members that live in Chicago and opening branches near them will allow us to provide them with face-to-face support needed for more complex financial situations, and further support their financial needs.

By establishing branches in Chicago, MSUFCU can also provide new potential members with increased access to a wide range of financial services, such as savings accounts, loans, mortgages, and investment options. This expansion would ensure that the community has convenient and affordable banking options, promoting financial inclusion and stability.

Increasing financial access and quality of service to our members is part of our mission. The opportunity to expand and improve our quality of service for our existing members and potential members in Chicago is important to us and we believe it strengthens our Credit Union as a whole, helping to fulfill our mission of helping individuals achieve their financial goals and dreams.
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