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Routing Number: 272479663
Swift Code: MSUCUS44
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Introducing Member2Member
Member2MemberSM is a secure, simple and free way to instantly send and receive money to OU Credit Union members through the OU Credit Union Mobile app or ComputerLine.
Free transfers between OU Credit Union members
Instant deposits once funds are accepted
Secure transfers, bank information is never shared


- Daily transfer limit of $1,500 (maximum transfer limit of $25,000 in a 30-day period).
- Funds are returned to sender after seven (7) days if they are not accepted.
- Funds are immediately returned to the sender if the recipient declines the transfer.
Signing up is easy
1. Sign into the OUCU Mobile app or ComputerLine, select MoveMoney, and navigate to Member2Member
2. Enter your email or phone number you'd like people to use to send money to you
3. Confirm your email or phone number with the confirmation number sent
4. Select which account you want funds to be deposited into
5. You're ready to send and receive money with OU Credit Union members!

To further manager your contacts list, add, or remove an external transfer, and see your preferences for receiving member transfers head to the Member2MemberSM Preferences under Manage Preferences.

Not an OU Credit Union member?

See the hundreds of ways you can qualify to become a member today!

Let's get started! Apply online, call 517-333-2424 or 800-678-4968, or visit one of our branches to become a member.
If you've been sent money
1. Sign into the OUCU Mobile app or ComputerLine, select MoveMoney, and navigate to Member2Member
2. Go to the Receive tab at the top
3. Accept or reject the funds, it will be deposited into the account you selected earlier
4. If you decline the transfer select your reason for declining in the pop-up window.
*Funds are immediately returned to the sender if the recipient declines the transfer.
5. After you've accepted the funds you can view the message
If you're sending money
1. Sign into the OUCU Mobile app or ComputerLine, select MoveMoney, and navigate to Member2Member
2. Go to the Send tab at the top
3. Enter the members mobile phone number or email address to add them to your contact list
4. Personalize your message with a digital card, note and signature
5. Select which account you want to send the money from
6. Type in the amount you want to send
7. Swipe to complete!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can funds be sent to an email address or phone number not listed on an account?
Yes, the recipient will be able to enroll in M2M℠ with any phone number/email address of their own, even if it is not on file, in order to receive a deposit.
If a transfer expires or the recipient declines the transfer, when will the funds be credited back to my account?
Funds will be deposited back to the senders account immediately.
Can I send funds to an international cell phone number?
No, M2M℠ only accepts US cell phone numbers. As an alternative solution, members could send to an email address and have the recipient enroll using their email address if they have not done so.
Is there a limit on daily transfers?
Member2Member: Daily transfer limit of $1,500 (maximum transfer limit of $25,000 in a 30-day period)

Pay Bills:
- Pay Bills ACH and check biller daily transfer limit of $25,000 (maximum transfer limit of $100,000 per month)
- Pay a Person email and text payee daily transfer limit of $1,500 (maximum transfer limit of $100,000 per month)
- Make a Transfer to an external account daily transfer limit of $10,000 (maximum transfer limit of $100,000 per month)

Share to Share Transfers: There are no limits on transfers within a OU Credit Union account.
View All FAQs