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Open Your Wallet
Routing Number: 272479663
Swift Code: MSUCUS44
Open Your Wallet

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Totally Gold Checking
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Instant Cash Line-of-Credit
If you have a large expense or project but aren't sure how much money you need, or want to ensure you don't overdraw your account, our Instant Cash Line-of-Credit can be the answer.

As you repay the amount of funds borrowed, you can borrow the funds again. You could bounce-proof your checking account, purchase collectibles, build a fence for your yard, or be prepared for those unexpected vehicle repairs.

Rates as low as 10.90% APR
• No application fees or prepayment penalties
• Pay only what you owe for as long as you borrow

To apply online, click the Add to Wallet button below, in the OU Credit Union Mobile app, by phone or at a branch. If you have questions, contact the Lending Department directly at 517-333-2424 option 1.
APR is annual percentage rate and is stated for qualified members having high credit scores. Actual rates may be higher and will be determined by a member's credit score. Rates are subject to change. You will be advised of any change to the loan rate. Once notified, you will have the option to continue payments at the existing rate until the current balance is repaid, or you may continue to access your line-of-credit with payments on your existing balance and additional advances based on the new interest rate.

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