OUCU Alert
Applicable 2024 tax forms are now available in ComputerLine and the Mobile app.
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Routing Number: 272479663
Swift Code: MSUCUS44
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Will I need to switch youth accounts as my child gets older?
You will not need to make any changes as your child gets older and progresses through the different youth account stages, ie. Sweet Pea: 0-2 years old, Dollar Dog: 3-6 years old, Cyber Saver: 7-10 years old, Money Club: 11-13 years old, CU Succeed: 14-17 years old. These changes will be made automatically. The main reason we have separate types of Youths accounts, is to ensure that we are offering individualized growth and engagement opportunities for each youth member. As an example, for Sweet Pea members we recommend products such as Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (CESA), and Free Gaming Apps, while alternatively for CU Succeed Accounts, we might recommend other products and services such as the Mobile app, Youth Visa, and Checking and Debit Card.
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