OUCU Alert
Applicable 2024 tax forms are now available in ComputerLine and the Mobile app.
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Routing Number: 272479663
Swift Code: MSUCUS44
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How do I make deposits in to my child's account?
Deposits can be made to your child's account the same way that you would to any standard account. You can make a deposit checks via eDeposit, OU Credit Union branches, shared branches, or mail. If the child is able to sign their own name, they are able to endorse the check. Otherwise, a joint party on the youth account may sign and write that it is on behalf of the a minor.

Additionally, we can connect your account with your child's account so that you are able to make a deposit using "MoveMoney" while logged into your account. We can set up this Transfer Access after your child's account has been opened.
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