Boost Your Savings With a 6-Month Certificate Featuring 3.75% APY.
Build your financial future with our 6-Month Certificate that earns higher dividends than a traditional savings account!
6-Month Certificate
3.75% APY1
Open your Certificate today at any branch, online through the mobile app or ComputerLine®, or call 800-678-4968.
Fine Print
1 Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 3/8/25. Rate subject to change at any time. Dividend rates are subject to change weekly. Certificate rate is fixed for the term of the Certificate at the time it is opened. Additional deposits can only be made to the 1-Year Add-On Certificate. A total of $10,000 may be added to a members 1-Year Add-On Certificate(s) each year. Earnings assume funds remain on deposit for the term of the Certificate and are compounded monthly. An early withdrawal could reduce your initial investment and penalty applies if funds are withdrawn prior to maturity. Early withdrawal penalty is equal to 90 days dividends for terms of one year or less and 180 days dividends for terms of more than one year, based on amount withdrawn. Principal amount will be reduced to cover penalty if dividends are not sufficient. Early withdrawal penalties will not be charged for withdrawal due to disability or after death of Certificate owner.